
Fashion is far from frivolous.

It’s a direct expression of what we feel and think.Because of this she doesn’t simply enjoy the narrative, she joins the conversation. She believes that fashion can shape the way we care for one another and our planet by making sustainable choices and using her thoughts to share what really matters: intentionally caring for people and the community we share. Function doesn’t have to forgo fashion. You’re wardrobe can look as good as it feels. How? She’s glad you asked.

Sustainable fibers- She Means Business operates using recycled fibers wherever possible. This not only cuts down on textile waste, it reduces pollution caused by the process of cultivating and producing raw materials. When recyclable materials specific to our garments cannot be sourced, you’ll note the use of environmentally friendly fabrics that can be manufactured with less negative impact on our planet.

Second Chances- We believe what goes around comes around. You’ll always find a vast array of vintage pieces in the shop. Sourced and curated especially for you, we make second hand shopping easier than ever.
